Wiki Loves Earth 2024 is already on for 20 days!

And we have the first and most exciting results so far:

🐦48 countries are on the participants list. Check them here:…/Participating_countries

🐦23 countries already started their local competition in May

🐦More than 570 participants uploaded their images.

🐦Over 12,200 images uploaded so far. Check them all here:…/Category:Images_from…

We are excited to see new submissions and participants, and let’s make WLE the most productive this year!💚

На зображенні може бути: папуга та текст «WIKI LOVES EARTH 48 countries In the participants list 23 countries already started the contest 570+ uploadersparticipated uploaders participated 12,200+ 12 images uploaded imagesuploadeds so far Manu_nationalpark. Peru Uriel caballera Urie.cabaler.guipiup.CBY- quispitupa, BY-SA4.0»

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