We’re thrilled to announce the completion of the final milestone for Wiki Loves Earth 2024!
Check out the Final Report from last year’s contest, where you’ll find a detailed summary of activities, an insightful analysis of the competition, and key results.
Access the report on our Commons page via the link: https://w.wiki/Csqq
We’d love to hear your thoughts — drop your questions and feedback in the comments!
And don’t forget to stay tuned for Wiki Loves Earth 2025!
![На зображенні може бути: колібрі та текст](https://scontent.flwo7-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/475123961_1024049499750090_3432896813778075809_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296_tt6&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=Z7MeLbIVCe8Q7kNvgF6_EkD&_nc_oc=Adh-Fn1baXr4nxpd5h2AfkFx3nnjxi8b1YPkajVuaV30bJvb9uqRPAQmpDsq0R-canA&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.flwo7-2.fna&_nc_gid=AbFzpC0AMc7fiTkA0KVSu8p&oh=00_AYB0GfP4geHiMQd0rHErO8x2_qRQ5jl4QzyKKuv7WDzgoQ&oe=67A91A03)